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Leveraging Podcast Analytics for Sustained Growth

If you are not tracking your analytics then how do you know what is or is not working?

Trying to grow your podcast but you don't know how? Tracking your analytics can help you create content that your audience is interested in.

The best indicator or your podcasts success are your analytics. And not just your download numbers. Go beyond that.

Image of buzzsprout analytics graph that shows downloads for last 30 days

"My Podcast isn't Working"

I recently had a strategy session with a client and her download numbers weren't were she wanted them to be and she was feeling a bit discouraged.

Now, prior to this call when we launched her podcast we set up a listener's journey.

What does that mean? Once a new listener found her podcast what did she want them to do after they listened in?

She wanted them to listen in, then join her email list to be nurtured and then the end goal is that they join her membership program.

What Happened When we Looked at the Data?

Because her goal was to get them on her email list and it wasn't tied to downloads we logged into her email marketing platform to see if anyone had joined her list.

And surprise!! Once we looked at the data we could see that she was gaining 1-2 subscribers to her email list DAILY!

That is exactly what we were hoping to see!

Now, what would have happened if we had only looked at download numbers? She would probably still be feeling discouraged which is why it's so important to have a direct goal for your podcast so that you know if your efforts are working.

Podcast Analytic Tools

If one of your goals is downloads then where do you find this information? In your podcast host they are tracking analytics from all the players (Apple, Spotify, Iheart, etc)

Your podcast host - Here is where you will find a ton of amazing information

  1. Day 1 downloads - these are your super fans

  2. Day 7 downloads

  3. Day 30 downloads

  4. Day 90 downloads

  5. All time downloads

  6. Look for peaks and see what you did on the days of those peaks - was it a new episode, were you a podcast guest and you got an influx of listeners from that effort

  7. Top most popular episodes - what do they have in common? Create more content around those

  8. Average downloads per episode - you are looking for gradual increases

Apple Podcast Connect

Keep in mind that with Apple podcast connect that they are ONLY tracking Apple stats.

  1. Track your subscribers and unsubscribes. Of course you always want your subscribe number to be higher than your unsubscribe number. It's normal to have people unsubscribe.

  2. Engaged listeners vs listeners. You want to really look at that engaged number. That is listeners that have listened to at least 40% of your episode

  3. Consumption rate - you want to see this at 60-70%. Anything under 60% was it the topic that wasn't compelling? Maybe a guest that didn't resonate with your audience?

  4. You can see which episode has the most listeners. Again look at what those episodes have in common.


Again lots of great stats here. I just use the free version.

You can see what charts you have ranked on which is AMAZING for social proof when it comes to your podcast. You can screen shot your rankings and post them on social media with a link to listen to you podcast.

What to look for in your analytics

You want to look for trends.

Are you seeing increases in your downloads? Why is that? What happened that day to increase downloads. Replicate that!

Are you seeing a trend in decreasing downloads? Why is that? Is content not resonating? Are you having too many guest on the show and not enough solo episodes? (I saw this with a client once. She had a bunch of interviews in a row because she was busy and no solo episodes and we saw a direct correlation that her audience didn't like that and downloads went down.)

Looking at the peaks and valleys are important.

Once a month go in and pull these numbers and track them in a google spreadsheet or I like to track them in airtable. But find a method of tracking analytics and keep track of them so you know what is happening on your podcast growth.

So, understanding and leveraging podcast analytics is essential for podcasters aiming to maximize their reach and impact.

By going beyond mere download numbers and delving into metrics like engagement rates and listener behavior, you can tailor your content to better resonate with your audience and achieve your desired outcomes, whether it be growing an email list, increasing listener engagement, or driving conversions.

Regular monitoring of analytics, identifying trends, and adapting strategies accordingly are key practices for sustainable podcast growth.

Ultimately, by utilizing the wealth of data available through various analytic tools, you can refine your approach, enhance your content strategy, and create meaningful connections with your audience.

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